Monday, March 28, 2011

Yesterday was Flea Market Sunday in Ventura and at Jamestown ~ Tustin...

I ~ Love ~ the flea Market...
It's a place to visit and laugh with old friends, meet new ones
and shop Vintage...what more could a girl ask for!
This beautiful treasure is a gift that my friend Sarah brought back from
a trip to England and gifted me with yesterday.
Thank you Sarah for thinking of me!

Meet my friend Sarah (in her van) and all of her fabulousness...
she always has suitcases full of the coolest treasures!

Sarah also sells Vintage Caravans...OMGoodness!
The things a Shabby girl could do with one of these...
You can reach Sarah a

Love this beautiful fabric...

This is my friend Rose of The Tarnished Crown...
I hope you noticed her neighbor with the gorgeous Claw foot tub
on the back of that fabulous old truck!

I met Jennifer of   ""
she is super sweet and had some amazing treasures!

OMG!! They were filming for Ty Pennington's new show
right in the middle of the Flea Market...

Time to load my treasures and get back to Tustin...

OMGoodness!  Made it to Jamestown Flea in Tustin and left my camera
in the no Tustin pics! 
Home now!  These are the Treasures of the day...

Beautiful hand mirrors for a new lamp I'm making...

Gorgeous marble bowl from Jamestown...
Lace and vintage thread from Ventura...

Beautiful tables and this fabulous old french coin...

Amazing vintage lace...

Sweet Vintage Hat...

OMGoodness!   I Love Vintage Baby Swings...

This "Princess" is a Thank You gift from my friend Kate...
Oh my ~ Pink liner...isn't she gorgeous!!
Thank you Kate!  I'm blessed and honored,
first for your friendship and also for thinking of me while
out there in our wonderful world of Vintage Treasures!
If you don't already know Kate you can find her at:

Lots of Love,


  1. I would have climbed the chained fence to get to see Ty!! I LOVE him!! Thanks for all the photos. I "almost" feel like I got to go shopping!!

    Take care, Sue

  2. ooo I am almost falling faint with seeing all of your goodies.
    I must must get out there to shop the fleas soon.
    That Ty gets around, he was just spotted at the Rose Bowl a few weeks ago.
    If that is the Kate I know and Love, she is the most caring kind biggest hearted girl ever!!!

  3. What a fun day--great finds!!!

  4. Oh my heavens,
    I've never been to the Ventura flea, but it looks fabulous!! And I have been dying to meet Rose from The Tarnished Crown. You did a fabulous job on your goodies you brought home! Is the Ventura flea every 4th of the month too? And that Kate is the sweetest gal ever, love the suitcase she gifted you with!
    Have a lovely week my sweet friend.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey girl,
    I would love to caravan with you to the Ventura flea market! I'll make sure hubby is off that day so he can watch the kiddos! And yes, the lamp shades are Serenity Sage on linen. I have 5 lamp shades in this pattern and a linen decorative pillow as well. I went a little nuts for this pattern, it's so soft and beautiful and goes with everything!
    Thanks for the sweet comment!
    {sorry for the deleted comment above, lots of mis-spellings!}

  7. Wish I was there with you, what great finds!!
    Take Care,

  8. I love the treasures you found at Ventura..It was such a great day and watching Ty all day isn't a bad way to spend the day. Yes, that club bathtub was quite unique and he ended up selling it at the very very end of the day to a local dealer. He had some incredible rusty goodies and I was lucky to get 2 purchases from him early in the morning.

    I dream of buying one of those trailers to fix up! It would be my on the road motel to and from Texas.


  9. Debbie, look at you! traveling and making the rounds from Ventura to Tustin!! That's what "Junkers" do!! lol. I love all your finds & goodies! Wish me luck at Alameda! Have a great week!

  10. Did you actually get a glimpse of Ty? He was probably the yummiest eye candy at the flea that day. lol
    Your purchases are awesome and they look a gazillion times better when you work your display magic!
    I've always heard of the the Ventura Flea, haven't made it out there yet. Maybe next time.


  11. I want to go junking with you!! You find the greatest things Debbie and your "boutique" always looks sooo great! Your little suitcase is adorable! Love the pink... have to say I'm a little jealous! ;)
    xo, Amber

  12. Love all the treasures you found, it was a GOOD DAY!!! I love the french coin, so neat! Have a great weekend Debbie!

  13. Oh my goodness! What a fabulous shopping weekend! You scored big time! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Looks like we are kindred spirits, oui?

  14. ...Oh Debbie ~ YOUR collected treasures are s-t-u-n-n-i-n-g!!!!!
    Would so love to tag along with you at one of these fleas to learn the ropes as I have never been!!
    what fun it would be:)
    xo, Rosemary

  15. Deb~
    Oh my goodness!! Loving your finds! And Ty Pennington?!?! I'm not sure what makes me drool more! ;).

  16. traducción del español al inglés
    Hi Debbie, how are you? Thank you very much for your comment on my blog ..
    make some very nice photos ... you know choose!
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    I have seen several programs it ..
    the pink lining gives me good ideas ... thanks is precious ...
    Greetings from Spain

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