Friday, September 30, 2011

Vintage Love at Urban Barn

Time for a change in one of my spaces at Urban Barn...

Amazing Bird Cage...large enough for a chandelier = Vintage Love

There is always so much beauty at Urban Barn and Linda Carpenter
is a constant source of inspiration!

A wonderful Chalk Paint Demo is offered tomorrow
at "URBAN BARN" from 1:00 to 3:00pm
Hope you can attend...


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Believe Everyday is Amazing at "COUNTRY ROADS"

Today was the day to work on my front space...the only problem is
I walked in the door and immediately found something to buy!
"Let the shopping begin"

A pair of the smallest vintage heels I've ever seen...

I can only hope that all of you get the chance to experience
and all of it's wonderful treasures!
A huge Thank You to Matt for all of his help...


Thursday, September 15, 2011

"The Shared Room"

My Goodness!
Where has the year gone...we are already half way thru September!
Kate and I are  having an amazing time shopping and working
on our new "room" at Country Roads.

My newest "Hand Mirror Chandelier"

Hoping you get a chance to visit Sue's incredible store...I know you'll love it!

Wishing you a wonderful weekend...


Monday, September 12, 2011

A Weekend of Memories at "The Vintage Marketplace"

So many wonderful customers and friends
came out to shop and visit.

It was a beautiful weekend at "The Vintage Marketplace"

Rose of "The Tarnished Crown"
had so many wonderful treasures in her booth...

Love what she did with this sweet bassinet!

Wishing I had taken more photos of all of the vendors...they all created
such beautiful booths!

Thank you to Rita, Christie, and Dean
for a wonderful weekend...and to
everyone that came by to support
this amazing show.


Friday, September 2, 2011

"The Shared Room"

"My Cup Runneth Over"

So where should I begin...first and foremost is the true gift of
friendship that I have found in Kate and her beautiful family.
So, it came as no suprise when we were given the opportunity
to share a room in "Country Roads" we were both over the moon!
After some thought we decided to make our new space a wonderful
blend of both of our styles and loves.

We are far from finished...but I couldn't wait to show you a smidge
of our shared room.

Thank you Sue for believing in our vision for this amazing space.

There are many exciting changes happening in my life and I
am looking forward to sharing them with you soon.

Much more to come!!


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